How to Upgrade the Lock Firmware - Android

Whenever you see that your lock is up for an upgrade, it is important to proceed with the update. Keeping your firmware up-to-date ensures that you have the latest features and security enhancements.

Does your app look different from the screenshots below?

Please, check this page instead: How to Upgrade the Lock Firmware - iOS 

You might be using our Teleporte iOS or older Android version.

How to Check for a Firmware Upgrade

To check if your lock needs a firmware upgrade, look for the upgrade icon next to the lock in the app.

Steps to Upgrade the Firmware

  1. Prepare for the Upgrade:

    • Ensure you have an assigned key for the lock, as you'll need to open the lock first.
  2. Start the Process:

    • Open the lock: We recommend opening the lock to start the upgrade.
    • Click on the lock icon in the app and let the app connect to it.

  3. Initiate the Upgrade:

    • Click on the arrow located in the bottom-right corner of the lock page.
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    • Select the "Upgrade" option.
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    • Confirm the upgrade on the next page.

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  4. During the Upgrade:

    • The app will start upgrading the lock. This operation might take a few seconds to complete.

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    • Attention: Keep your phone close to the lock to avoid any connection issues.
  5. Completion:

    • Once the upgrade is finished, the app will notify you that the upgrade was successful, and the upgrade icon will disappear from the lock.

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Post-Upgrade Testing

After the upgrade, it is crucial to test the lock to ensure everything went smoothly. Follow these steps:

  1. Open and close the lock at least three times.
  2. Wait at least 5 seconds between each operation.

This will help ensure that the upgrade was successful.


If you experience any problems while testing the lock after the upgrade, please submit a support ticket to our team. You can follow this tutorial to learn How To Submit Support Tickets from the App