Why my account is restricted? (Device Restriction)

How to Solve it?

Contact Your Supervisor:

  • Reach out to your supervisor or Teleporte administrator promptly for the organization restricted.
  • Inform them about the device change and request registration for the new device in Teleporte.

Important Note: Our support team is unable to unregister devices on your behalf. Please coordinate with your supervisor or Teleporte administrator for any device-related changes in your Teleporte account.

How to know if I am device-restricted?

  1. If there's any restriction on your account, you will see a red exclamation mark on your account tab. Click on it.
  2. Scroll until you find the organization with the red exclamation mark. Click on it.
  3. On the top of the screen, you will see the status of your device. It will be with a red exclamation mark if you are restricted. Click on it. 
  4. The app will show you a more detailed explanation.

Understanding Device Restriction

Device Restriction is a feature designed to enhance the security of your Teleporte account. It means that your access to the Teleporte app is limited to a single registered mobile device. This ensures that your account and digital keys cannot be accessed from unauthorized devices, even if someone else has your login credentials.

Why am I device-restricted?

To protect the integrity of your operations and prevent unauthorized access to sensitive locations, your account is tied to a specific mobile device. This measure helps ensure:

  • Security: Only you, using your registered device, can access your digital keys.
  • Account Protection: Reduces the risk of unauthorized logins, even if your credentials are compromised.

What Happens If I Need a New Device?

If you need to log in from a different device—for example, if you’ve replaced your phone or are temporarily using another one—you’ll need to contact your supervisor or Teleporte administrator. They are the only ones who can remove the restriction on your account, allowing you to access your keys again.