Lock Replacement

Lock Replacement is a Teleporte feature that simplifies the management of hardware replacements by cloning lock configurations and by keeping reliable audit trails.

Expected Changes in Lock Replacement

The following changes take place when an administrator replaces Lock A with Lock B in Teleporte:

  • Lock name: Name of Lock A is transfered to Lock B. Name of Lock A is then set to default.
  • Lock Description: Description of Lock A is transfered to Lock B. Description of Lock A' is then set to default.
  • Tags (if applicable): Tags of Lock A are transfered to Lock B.
  • Site Assignment (if applicable): Site assignment of lock A is transferred to Lock B. 
  • Lock Groups (if applicable): Lock Group assignment of lock A is transferred to Lock B. 
  • Keys (if applicable): Single Keys, Site Keys and Lock Group Keys of Lock A are transfered to Lock B. Fail-Safe Unlock keys (access codes) are not transfered. 
  • Teleporte license: Teleporte license is exchanged between Lock A and Lock B.

Note: Lock Replacement operations cannot be reverted, please proceed with caution.

Audit Trails of Lock Replacement Events

Lock replacement events generate lock notes for both locks involved, with details of changes that took place, as well as audit trails of administrator identity and timestamps. Teleporte also keeps track of lock replacement events through notifications and system events. 

How to Replace a Lock

  1. Navigate to the lock page of the lock you want to replace.
  2. Click on the 'Edit' button.
  3. In the Lock Settings page, scroll down until you see the Lock Replacement option.
  4. Type in the new lock ID (the lock that will replace the current one). You can also add a note that will be displayed in the lock note at the end of the process.
  5. Click on the "Replace" button
  6. The page will display a preview of the "Before" and "After" states for each lock. This section is divided into two vertical sections:
    1. Before: Shows the current state of the locks.
    2. After: Shows the expected state post-replacement.
  7. Carefully review the information. At this point, you can still cancel the operation if needed.
  8. If everything looks correct, confirm the operation.
  9. This process might take a few seconds. During this time, you cannot add or remove keys for either lock.

Post Replacement Review

After completing the lock replacement, you can review the details of the operation as follows:

  1. Access the lock page of either of the two locks involved in the replacement.
  2. Scroll down to the Lock Notes section and click on the "See All Notes" button.

  3. Filter the notes by "By Teleporte" to display all system-generated notes.
  4. Click on the note corresponding to the lock replacement performed.
  5. On the left side of the screen, you will see the note containing the detailed preview of the "Before" and "After" states for each lock and information about who performed the operation.

Using the Lock Replacement feature in Teleporte ensures that all necessary data and settings are transferred seamlessly from one lock to another, maintaining the security and functionality of your organization's locks.

If you have any issues or need further assistance, please contact your support team at support@sera4.com.