How to unblock an account due to phone number required?

Important Note:

Phone collection is a feature enabled by the organization to add an additional security layer. Our support team is unable to disable this feature. Please coordinate with your supervisor or Teleporte administrator for any phone number collection changes in your Teleporte account.

How to solve it?

  1. If your account is unauthorized or blocked due to the phone number required, you will see a red exclamation mark on your account tab. Click on it.
  2. Scroll until you find the organization with the red exclamation mark. Click on it.
  3. On the top of the screen, you will see the status of your Account. It will be with a red exclamation mark if you are Unauthorized. Click on it. 

  4. The app will show you a more detailed explanation. Click on "Share Mobile Number"
  5. A new window will show the option to fill in the phone number. Once shared you will be able to interact with the controllers, locks, and download keys on your mobile phone.