AP3 Padlock - Connected Latch - Android

The connected latch is a feature for Sera4 locks that requires users to connect to the lock with the mobile application to close them. This means that padlocks will remain unlocked until the user requests to lock them from the mobile application. 


Connected Latch is an optional feature of the Teleporte Enterprise package. Please contact cx@sera4.com to request enablement if it is not enable in your locks.

Open a padlock

Padlocks can be open with the standard procedure, shown in the steps below.

Close a padlock with Connected Latch

The following instructions show how to close a padlock with the connected latch option.


It is important to keep the Teleporte mobile application until it has confirmed that the padlock is closed by showing the icon in closed position. 

Offline Mode

When the mobile application is in offline mode (meaning there is no Wi-Fi or cellular data connection), any request to close the padlock is saved on the mobile device until it regains connectivity. Once the connection is restored, the close event is uploaded to the Teleporte web interface. As a result, administrators will not see the close event immediately; it will only appear in the cloud once uploaded.

Close events are retained even if the user uninstalls the Teleporte mobile application after locking the padlock in offline mode. This is due to the fact that all access events are securely stored within the lock itself as well, enabling any other Teleporte user to access them at a later date to upload them to the system.

Online Mode

After closing a lock, the Teleporte mobile application indicates to the user when all access events have been successfully uploaded to the system by showing a cloud icon with a check mark - like the one shown in the screen capture below:

Emergency Override

Emergency override can be used in case a mobile device is not available to lock a padlock. This could be the case if the smartphone battery is depleted, which would not allow a user to use a mobile device. Follow the instructions below in order to override the locking mechanism to close the padlock without a mobile device:
  • Press and hold the padlock button for 5 seconds
  • The LED will blink in different colours to signal that the shackle can be pushed down.
  • Push the shackle down