Is there a way to remotely unlock a lock with Teleporte?


No. The system was designed this way intentionally as a security mechanism. When there is any logical or physical possibility to remotely unlock a lock, there will always exist the risk that an administrator mistake (or a hacker) may unlock things by accident or, in the worst case, unlock all nodes on a network. Even if one padlock were accidentally unlocked remotely it would be impossible to relock it remotely resulting in an unacceptable physical security risk.

At Sera4, we believe that the only time a lock should be opened is when someone is physically present to open it. It is possible for an administrator to issue a key on request to a user when he arrives on-site (in online mode only).

This method of tight control is already used by several Teleporte customers effectively and is similar to a remote unlock operation without the security risks described with a pure remote unlock. Here you can find more information on why we are against remote unlock: The case against Remote Unlock.